Debugger script

This script defines the pipeline entry point, the parameter-space,

and invokes one of BugDoc’s algorithm to debug the pipeline.

Importing algorithm from BugDoc’s API

We choose the Stacked Shortcut Algorithm to debug the pipeline.

from bugdoc.algos.stacked_shortcut import AutoDebug as StackedShortcut

Parameter space definition

The parameter-values that BugDoc tries can be retrieved in two ways: From previous executions of the pipeline or specifying the all possible values each parameter can take. In the following, we provide the entry point of the pipeline and a dictionary with the parameter names as keys and a list of parameter-values as the corresponding value.

filename = 'dataflow_pipeline.json'
parameter_space = {
    'operator1_script': [
    'read_path': [
    'read_mode': ['once', 'repeat'],
    'write_mode': ['append', 'concat', 'replace'],
    'operator2_script': [
    'threshold': [0.1, 0.5],
    'folds': [2, 5, 10]

Pipeline Debugging

We initialize the Stacked Shortcut Algorithm object and run it passing the pipeline entry point and the parameter space. The Algorithm will generate new pipeline instances and exchange messages with the Worker script to execute and evaluate the instances. This process will be blocked if no Worker is running.

debugger = StackedShortcut()
result =, parameter_space)

Revealing the root cause

When the algorithm finishes we can display the root cause of error.

root, _, _ = result
parameters = list(parameter_space.keys())
print('Root Cause: \\n%s' % (
    ' OR '.join(
        ' AND '.join(
         [parameters[pair[0]]+' = '+pair[1] for pair in r]
        for r in root])))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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